This super simple, no equipment home workout will strengthen your core and work both your upper and lower abs, perfect for the washboard stomach you’ve been dreaming of (and for helping Mudders up and over obstacles).
Don’t think seven minutes is enough for a great workout? After this ab session you’ll think seven minutes is a lifetime. Ready to work? Let’s do it.
The 10 Exercise Ab Circuit to Build Your Core
You don’t need any equipment for this workout so make a little space, get changed into your best gear and move through these 10 super simple moves, doing 30 seconds of work on each one. Make sure you nail your form by watching the video first, then throw on your favourite playlist and start sweating.
1. Side Plank
Use the outside of your foot to ground down, keep your hip lifted and stack your shoulder above your elbow. If you start to wobble use your top arm to steady yourself. Stay strong Mudder and if you want to upgrade this move, try lifting the top leg in the air – just make sure it’s inline with your hip.
2. Inchworm Walkouts
Creepy name, great move. Stand in a forward fold position and then slowly walk your hands out, you want to go past the point of where they would sit in a normal plank. Then head back in. Keep your core engaged and legs straight the whole time.
3. Bridge Hold
Laying on your back, move your feet towards your body. Press your hips into the air as high as you can, keeping your core tight and your glutes engaged you should feel it…everywhere.
4. Alternating Knee to Elbow
Get into a strong plank position (shoulders stacked above elbows and hands and bum down). Then draw one knee to the opposite elbow, then the other alternating sides for the full 30 seconds.
5. L-Sit Hold
Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you, hands rest on the floor next to your thighs. Keeping your legs straight, lift your feet off the ground and hold. Try not to lean back and if it feels too much you can take the pressure off by bending your knees in towards your body.
6. Hip Touches
Get into a forearm plank positions but instead of keeping your body straight lift your bum into the air. Drop your hips to one side and then the other, making sure your hips touch the ground every time you go down. Take it as fast or slow as you need.
7. Hollow Hold
Lay flat on your back. Lift your legs (and hips) off the ground at the same as you also lift your shoulders and arms off the ground. Your lower back should be the only part of you on the ground. This is gonna burn and it’s gonna burn early, if you need to bend your knees or bring your arms out in front of you for a modified version.
8. Flutter Kicks
Stay on the ground but bring your hands to rest underneath your bum. Lift your legs into the air, keeping them straight and keeping both legs off the ground at all times alternate between kicking left and right. Keep the movement controlled. Bring your arms straight up above your head for an extra challenge.
9. Side Plank Knee to Elbow
We’re taking the first exercise in this circuit and taking it up a level. Get into your side plank position but lift your top leg so that it is inline with your hip. Bring your arm straight over your head and then crunch knee to elbow. Swap sides and do it again.
10. Burpees
We apologise in advance for how much this move will suck. We all hate ‘em but we know how good they are for our abs and core. No slacking on these, you want to take your chest all the way to the floor and make sure you’re explosive on your jump back up.
Enjoy this quick and dirty style workout? Give our 10 minute kettlebell workout a go (if you can find yours).