The only parts of your body not throbbing are the one’s you’ve lost feeling in. You stop to wince, and the dried mud on your face cracks where smiles did eight miles ago. Looking up you see it—Everest. You think to yourself: “Why didn’t they put this earlier?” Followed by, “How do I get up this thing?”
As the devious answer to question one is far too obvious, let’s delve into question two. Straight from our mischievous course-creators, here are Tough Mudder’s top five tips for toppling Everest.
1. Don’t. Stop. Running.
In addition to all the motivating Mudders extending helping hands atop Tough Mudder’s most ominous obstacle, you’ve got another great friend by your side at its base—physics. Just as your team gives you the emotional momentum you need to conquer Everest, your mass at its highest velocity gives you the likeliest chance of reaching the high point of an object. Translation? Start from far back and run… fast.
2. Think Up – Not At
The most common mistake made ascending Everest is leaving your feet too early and leaping while there’s precious ground yet to be covered. Unless the Great British weather is against you and has left Everest slippery you should be able to get a full, strong footstep in at the three-quarters mark before it turns vertical.
3. Use Your Imagination
Just as Olympic sprinters are taught to envision the finish line yards beyond the actual finish line, it’s best to imagine the summit of Everest being a foot higher than it is, preventing you from slowing down at the most crucial moment. Additionally, don’t zero in on the downward reaching hands of your fellow Mudders—keep your eyes on the summit or beyond. As with so many Tough Mudder obstacles it’s all in the mind.

4. It’s the Pits
If you manage to get your forearms flat and parallel to the obstacle’s top ledge with your armpits tucked in its lip, hold on tight. Once your fellow Mudders have their hands locked under your armpits, let them lift you if possible. If they’re unable to, call out a three-count and swing your dominant leg to the upper ledge as they lift you. On a second three-count, roll over your dominant shoulder and onto the flat summit.
5. Pass It On
Whether you’re a freak of nature who dominated Everest sans hands or a thirtieth-times-a-charm journeyman, no descent from Everest should take place before lending a helping hand to at least one Mudder below. After thanking your spotters, get down, look back and boldly extend Tough Mudder’s living icon—a muddy reaching hand.
Like a Tough Mudder itself, your time on Everest is about the experience. Spend some time at the base cheering on the Mudders ahead of you. Enjoy the rush of adrenaline as you plan your ascent route. And most importantly—bask in the cooperative energy of the human spirit all around you—a spirit as inspiring and wondrous as Everest itself.

Conquer Mountains In Your Backyard
If tackling one of the world’s greatest challenges sounds up your street but you’re not quite ready for the real deal, let us introduce Tough Mudder Milestones. Choose from our Everest, Mudderhorn or Pyramid Scheme Milestones and work towards an incredible elevation goal all year long. You’ll get a collectable coin for your troubles as well as priceless motivation and bragging rights.

Ready for Everest and Mud Mile and Kiss of Mud and The Gauntlet…
If after these five handy tips have you raring to go then waste no more time. This is going to be a summer to remember, so book your spot and join your mates on course.